March 31, 2013

Tick Tock

Hickory, Dickory Dock
The mouse ran up the clock
The clock struck one
The mouse ran down
Hickory dickory dock

Hickory, Dickory Dock
Count the seconds, count the tocks
How many children 
Have a new found Glock
Hickory Dickory Dock

In 2010 there were 358 murders involving rifles. Murders involving the use of handguns in the US that same year totaled 6,009, with another 1,939 murders with the firearm type unreported

The United States loses the same number of people every single month to gun violence that it did on 9/11. That's around 31,224 people a year -- ten times the number who died in 9/11. Another 66,768 a year are wounded but survive. In the 10 years since 9/11, that equates to around 300,000 killed and 670,000 injured to gunfire on our streets and in our homes (compare that to the 5800 American soldiers who have died in that time in Iraq and Afghanistan wars). Imagine, a million people shot in ten years! But unlike the dramatic results that came after 9/11 -- the wars, the Patriot Act and other legislation, the trillions of dollars spent -- practically nothing has changed to slow the rate of civilian shootings in the U.S."

If you want to find out exactly how many guns are sold in the US each year, then the figures are not recorded.

However, if you want to know how many applications there are to buy guns each year, then the latest data from the FBI shows that 2012 looks like a bumper year for gun sales in America.

In the wake of the Newtown shooting in Connecticut, there is a renewed focus on gun control in the US. And, under US law, the National Instant Criminal Background Check System is used to check if someone can buy a gun from a federal registered dealer before they can walk out of the shop with it.

The figures show that there have been 16,808,538 applications in 2012 so far to the end of November. If they were approved, that would be enough weapons to stock every member of Nato's armed forces nearly five times over. The system has received 156,577,260 applications since 1998 and the US has the highest gun ownership rate in the world.

Guns for brains or guns on the brain...Doesn't matter...The NRA wants to see every U.S of A. citizen armed and ready, while the children of Sandy Hook and other mass shootings continue to die.

Hmmmm...Something is missing here....Could it be brains, or guns...Brains to know when we have enough, or guns to defend ourselves from the NRA!

Oppps...Did I say that out loud....Where's my Glock...Hickory, Dickory, Dock, Tick Tock,

Tick, Tock....

March 30, 2013

NRA shoots itself in the foot

Remember the massacre of the innocent in  Sandy Hook ??

Now remember this guy...Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre, of the NRA

He is the one who authorized mass mailings and Robocalls to the residents of Sandy Hook....To further the NRA agenda..

I'm a shooter, I enjoy the sport, but sometimes, gunners just go too far...The NRA has shot itself in the foot...again....