April 11, 2012


This day in history started like any other but would end in infamy. This was the day that will always be remembered as 911, when terror came to North America.

This day in history also started like any other but would end with the fall of the iron curtain. After several weeks of civil unrest, the East German government announced on 9 November 1989 that all GDR citizens could visit West Germany and West Berlin. Crowds of East Germans crossed and climbed onto the wall, joined by West Germans on the other side in a celebratory atmosphere.

The terror attacks of 911 and the building of the Berlin wall were both directly attributable to people who have guns for brains.

April 9, 2012


Nahlah Ayed is a foreign correspondent with the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) and previously served as a parliamentary reporter for the Canadian Press.  Nahlah has covered stories in much of the Middle East. In 2003, Ayed spent months in Baghdad prior to the Iraq War, then later returned to report live from Baghdad as the city fell. From 2004 until 2009, Ayed was the CBC's Beirut correspondent, covering events throughout the Middle East region, including the 2006 Lebanon War and the Gaza War. Nahlah has also covered the Iran presidential elections and is now based in Toronto, regularly covering international stories, most recently the Middle East pro-democracy movement.

Having seen and reported on so much of the Middle Eastern turmoil Nahlah is someone who could be classed as brains observing those who have "Guns for Brains"...However, that would be an understatement...

Brains in themselves are guns as guns bring about change. Brains bring about change slowly, or at the very least change peoples views of the violence that guns bring.

Observing violence, reporting on that violence, and now writing a book about that violence from a lifetime of experience qualifies this lady as having guns on the brain but not for brains. A very distinct and crucial difference...Now if only those who have guns for brains knew how to read....imagine the possibilities...

(Ignorance is bliss - to those who lead people who have guns for brains...)