April 11, 2013

Anonymous Guns

Anonymous says it has ID'd the alleged rapists of a
Nova Scotia girl who later committed suicide.
(After you read the article you will understand why it has been re-posted here)

Hacker collective Anonymous says it has identified two of the four boys who allegedly raped a Nova Scotia teen who killed herself last week.

Rehtaeh Parsons, 17, was allegedly raped by four boys when she was 15, then mercilessly bullied after photos of the attack circulated online, as recounted on the Facebook memorial page created by her mother.
She was taken off life-support Sunday after trying to hang herself in the bathroom of her home on April 4.
Amid a nationwide outcry, including an online petition that had nearly 67,000 signatures by Wednesday night, Nova Scotia has agreed to look further into the case.

"I am deeply saddened — as I think are all Nova Scotians — by the death of this young woman," Justice Minister Ross Landry said in a statement Tuesday.

He also backtracked on his earlier decision to let the case stand.

"It's important that Nova Scotians have faith in the justice system and I am committed to exploring the mechanisms that exist to review the actions of all relevant authorities to ensure the system is always working to the best of its ability, in pursuit of justice."

Anonymous, the so-called hacktivists who recently brought to light footage of Steubenville, Ohio, teens mocking a rape victim during the high-profile trial of two football players, claimed Wednesday to have identified two of Rehtaeh's alleged attackers.

"We are currently confirming a third and it is only a matter of time before the fourth is identified as well," the group said in a statement Wednesday. "Our demands are simple: We want the N.S. RCMP to take immediate legal action against the individuals in question."

"We do not approve of vigilante justice as the media claims," the statement continues. "What we want is justice. And that's your job. So do it."

RCMP Cpl. Scott MacRae said police investigated the alleged rape, but there wasn't enough evidence to lay charges. Her mother, Leah Parsons, claims cops dismissed the photos of her daughter as a "community issue."

"How is it possible for someone to leave a digital trail like that yet the RCMP don't have evidence of a crime?" wrote Rehtaeh's father Glen Canning Wednesday in an emotional blog post in which he describes his daughter's childhood and says he feels "dead inside."

"My daughter wasn't bullied to death, she was disappointed to death. Disappointed in people she thought she could trust, her school, and the police."
So...Why post an article about something that has nothing to do with guns?...Simple...The modern weapon of choice is not the gun but the computer...in this case a group of hackers called Anonymous using computers in what some would call vigilante justice.

Are these the modern day Robin Hoods and Zorros or are they just a group of computer hackers seeking to create havoc in the digital world?

Robin Hood robbed from the rich and gave to the poor.( the idealized version of the villian). Zorro protected the poor peasants from the injustices wreaked down upon them by corrupt officials and government. (or so the fable goes)....

If this group is truly capable of tracking online bullying and even route out rapists and criminals then they get my vote.Either way, the Robin Hoods and Zorros of by gone days seem to have been replaced by a new champion of rights and watchfullness...called