May 18, 2015

Election Time Again

At best of times, people generally don't trust politicians, give little ear to them, complain about them (a lot) and mostly ignore them. During the lead up to an election it gets worse. We are bombarded with promises, photo ops (especially with children) and generally treated as children ourselves. The politicians promise to spend more of our money, kiss babies and shake hands with you as if you are a long lost friend.
Sometimes, politicians will even thump their chests, try to look important, cyber bully other politicians and political parties, but none of that compares to this.
In an effort to appear worldly, to portray himself as a man of action, Prime Minister Stephen Harper of Canada did the unthinkable, and probably without thinking (thinking is something he is inept at). Prime Minister Harper and his entourage used soldiers to further his political goals, to try and get re-elected, and exposed 'his" troops to additional danger while doing so.
No half hearted apology, no spin doctor, no one, can ever apologize enough for what he did.
Now, politicians being politicians, ought be forgiven for lying, for buying your vote with your own money, for passing on tainted breath while kissing babies and making absurd promises that you and I both know will be broken on the morning after the election, or will cost millions of your money to implement.
However, Prime Minister Harper in his lead up to the 2015 federal election has proven once again that he does not deserve re-election. His cavalier approach to the military is disgusting.
Now, guns for brains.
At best of times, Prime Minister Stephen Harper of Canada despises the military. His track record speaks for itself. Since Mr. Harper is incompetent (The supreme court regularly rules against him), has a public disdain for the military and its sacrifices, (ruled against ramp ceremonies for the fallen), and is generally a pariah on world affairs, Mr. Harper is just repeatedly shooting blanks.
World leaders are facing perhaps one of the most difficult periods of our history, trying to fight an invisible enemy in the form of terrorists. No army clad in uniform appears before our troops. No national flag leads armies into battle. No general stands atop a hill to oversee the battle. This war on terrorism is shrouded in darkness. It is fought by small units of highly trained individuals. It is clandestine ops and single sniper shots.
There is no boisterous cheer as a terrorist is killed, as another quickly slips in to replace him. There is no time to rest, no time to plan, only time to react and react again. This is the time for quick thinking generals, not slow politicians. This is the time for brave young men to be led by competent leaders, not fools. This is the time for fast action, for repeated unwavering assaults on ghosts in the night. It is not the time to take men from the front line for a photo op.
Leaders the world over need to stand back, step out of the lime light, and let our troops do what we pay them to do, to do what they volunteer to do, to do what they do best. Let them use their guns to hunt down and kill the brains behind this rising tide of disorder, without political interference.
Mr.. Harper does not understand this.
Mr.. Harper has no brains, uses his guns for political photo ops, and does not know how to use the world class military machine he inherited.
Mr. Harper, Time to go. Goodbye.