October 16, 2015

U.S. Election

Why this post ?

It would seem that this man is eminently qualified to speak on the future of these United States of America. It would seem that as guns become more and more prevalent in America the clear voices of reason and intelligence seem to be getting lost in the noise of lobbyists, big business and outright ignorance.

This election, like any other, will see it's share of big money backing supposedly big men (and women) who will move forward this agenda or that agenda. It will see rhetoric and mud slinging and all the usual attack ads and bad ideas.

Like all other elections, this go around will not see any significant change, just more of the same but with a new flavor of the month coating. This is BAD.

A continuation of the way things are will see America slide further and further away from the ideals upon which she was founded. We will slip deeper into debt, global disrespect, more wars, less pride in our accomplishments and worse yet, we will dig more graves.

This go around, tell the lobbyists, big business and those seeking personal glorification to go home. Tell the NRA that we have buried enough children. Tell big business that we have paid enough already. Tell the government that we have fought enough wars.

It's time to tell our children that this time, we the citizens of America will win the election.