October 26, 2012

Well Said

Intruder Beware

In a recent poll by a Canadian newspaper, 97% of respondents indicated that they should have the legal right to defend themselves against intruders. Unfortunately, protecting yourself from an intruder, violent or otherwise, is against the law.

I am going to digress a bit in this post as it is not about guns for brains but about how peoples rights to protect themselves (perhaps even using guns) is slowly and surely being stripped away by governments afraid of an armed populace. The mere fact that this type of poll is even necessary indicates a lopsided legal system engineered to defned the criminal, not the law abiding citizen.

Police-reported robbery statistics in 2008 have indicated that the nature and extent of robberies, as reported to police, has changed during the past decade. Commercial robberies have declined, while robberies occurring in residences and public transit facilities have increased.

Police-reported residential robberies, often referred to as "home invasions," increased 38% between 1999 and 2005.
Although there is no Criminal Code offence of home invasion, it is generally defined as a residential robbery in which force was used to gain entry and the accused was aware that someone was home.
In 2008, police reported 2,700 home invasions — robberies that occurred in a private residence. The rate of home invasions rose 38% between 1999 and 2005.

According to a United States Department of Justice report: 38% of assaults & 60% of rapes occur during home invasions. 1 of every 5 homes will experience a break-in or home invasion. That's over 2,000,000 homes! According to Statistics Canada, there has been an average of 289,200 home invasions annually over the last 5 years. Statistically, there are over 8,000 home invasions per day in North America
According to Statistics U.S.A., there was an average of 3,600,000 home invasions annually between 1994 and 2000.

Considering these statistics, wouldn't you want the right to defend yourself?

The legal right to defend yourself is not about gun ownership or people using guns to attain a nefarious goal  but about the individuals right to live without fear, to live in peace, to simply live.

Those who would use guns to take away those rights of an individual or his / her collective rights to exist without you robbing and murdering them are the ones who use guns without brains. Your mentality of what is mine is mine and what is yours is mine as well should be met by what ever force is required to retain those rights over any intruder.

So, self defence is an inalienable right to exist while robbery, home invasion, rape and murder are situations which should not exist. I will support any law, any politician who has the guts to stand up for the rights of the law abiding populace to defend themselves against anyone, anytime, anywhere without fear of legal recourse.

My defense mechanism(s) would include the use of big dogs, knives, guns, or any other weapon of choice and convenience. Do I have guns for brains, no. Do I have a will to live without fear of intruders, yes.

If that is a mentality representing guns for brains, guilty as charged!

And remember, when seconds count, the police are only minutes away.

October 12, 2012

Child Soldiers

Malala Yousufzai and Roya Shams

Malala Yousufzai and Roya Shams both have one thing in common, The Taliban are terrified of them.

Malala was threatened by the Taliban, was not deterred from her path by that threat and was shot for her beliefs in the right of girls to have an education.

Roya Shams was raised by a father who believed in the same goals for women. He was a police officer who was killed fighting the Taliban. Roya continues his fight through her continued education and a desire to be a politician to help her country.

Two young girls in two different countries fighting the Taliban with brains and courage as their weapons.

According to Coalition to Stop the Use of Child Soldiers: " A child soldier is anyone under the age of eighteen who is part of any kind of regular or irregular armed force or armed group in any capacity."

I would like to offer an alternative ddefinition which reads as:

"A child soldier is anyone under the age of eighteen acting alone or who is part of any kind of regular or irregular force or group in any capacity whose weapons of choice are courage and brains rather than guns and other weapons as a means of attaining a desired goal."

By the first definition, children are used as soldiers by adults. By the second definition children fight armed adult "soldiers" with the only weapons they have. Brains and courage.

Malala Yousufzai and Roya Shams are just two such soldiers. They have chosen to use brains and courage rather than guns and other such weapons to attain a goal.

Throughout this blog there have been and will continue to be only two categories of postings; Postings where Guns for Brains is the root of the subject, or, as in the case of Malala and Roya, Brains for Guns. ,