October 12, 2012

Child Soldiers

Malala Yousufzai and Roya Shams

Malala Yousufzai and Roya Shams both have one thing in common, The Taliban are terrified of them.

Malala was threatened by the Taliban, was not deterred from her path by that threat and was shot for her beliefs in the right of girls to have an education.

Roya Shams was raised by a father who believed in the same goals for women. He was a police officer who was killed fighting the Taliban. Roya continues his fight through her continued education and a desire to be a politician to help her country.

Two young girls in two different countries fighting the Taliban with brains and courage as their weapons.

According to Coalition to Stop the Use of Child Soldiers: " A child soldier is anyone under the age of eighteen who is part of any kind of regular or irregular armed force or armed group in any capacity."

I would like to offer an alternative ddefinition which reads as:

"A child soldier is anyone under the age of eighteen acting alone or who is part of any kind of regular or irregular force or group in any capacity whose weapons of choice are courage and brains rather than guns and other weapons as a means of attaining a desired goal."

By the first definition, children are used as soldiers by adults. By the second definition children fight armed adult "soldiers" with the only weapons they have. Brains and courage.

Malala Yousufzai and Roya Shams are just two such soldiers. They have chosen to use brains and courage rather than guns and other such weapons to attain a goal.

Throughout this blog there have been and will continue to be only two categories of postings; Postings where Guns for Brains is the root of the subject, or, as in the case of Malala and Roya, Brains for Guns. ,