November 13, 2015


It's November 13th, 2015 and we have just recently honoured the fallen warriors of our many past wars.
We do this so that those who were not alive then can perhaps gain a sense of the sacrifices our fathers and brothers and sisters and mothers made to ensure the safety and freedom of our children and their children's children.
We do not take easily the road to war. We do not easily return from war. We do however, by our actions of the past give fair warning to those who would challenge our way of life, or attempt to take our lives that we will fight and win the wars that you bring to our door step.
We give fair warning to terrorists, religious fanatics, the madmen and butchers that inhabit this earth, we will beat you down. You see our peaceful ways as weakness, but they are our strength. We unsheathe our sabers and our bayonets only as a last resort. We do not willingly shed the blood of our enemies but shed your blood we will when you force us to.
Have no doubt, your days are numbered. Have no doubt, we will prevail.
Hitler - Done
Image result for hitler
Mussolini - Done
Image result for mussolini
Hirohito - Done
Image result for hirohito
Image result for tyrants in history
Image result for osama bin laden
Got the point yet?

November 4, 2015

Captain Ed Freeman.



You're a 19 year old kid. You are critically wounded and dying in the jungle somewhere in the Central Highlands of Viet Nam . It's November 11, 19...67. LZ (landin...g zone) X-ray. Your unit is outnumbered 8-1 and the enemy fire is so intense from 100 yards away, that your CO (commanding officer) has ordered the MedEvac helicopters to stop coming in. You're lying there, listening to the enemy machine guns and you know you're not getting out. Your family is half way around the world, 12,000 miles away, and you'll never see them again.

As the world starts to fade in and out, you know this is the day. Then - over the machine gun noise - you faintly hear that sound of a helicopter. You look up to see a Huey coming in. But.. It doesn't seem real because no MedEvac markings are on it. Captain Ed Freeman is coming in for you. He's not MedEvac so it's not his job, but he heard the radio call and decided he's flying his Huey down into the machine gun fire anyway. Even after the MedEvacs were ordered not to come. He's coming anyway. And he drops it in and sits there in the machine gun fire, as they load 3 of you at a time on board. Then he flies you up and out through the gunfire to the doctors and nurses and safety. And, he kept coming back!! 13 more times!! Until all the wounded were out. No one knew until the mission was over that the Captain had been hit 4 times in the legs and left arm. He took 29 of you and your buddies out that day. Some would not have made it without the Captain and his Huey. Medal of Honor Recipient, Captain Ed Freeman, United States Air Force, died last Wednesday at the age of 70, in Boise, Idaho. May God Bless and Rest His Soul.

I bet you didn't hear about this hero's passing, We’ve heard plenty about murders, Health Care, Border security etc. BUT NOTHING ABOUT THE PASSING OF Medal of Honor Winner Captain Ed Freeman. Shame on the media !!!

Posted by
Scott Serres
August 2nd, 2015
Sometimes guns are not enough to win the day. A little bit of courage and determination in the right person is all that is needed.
Enough Said......

October 17, 2015

Ken Taylor

May 10, 1934 – October 15, 2015

Canadian Ambassador to Iran – 1977 - 1980
Awarded the United States Congressional Gold Medal
Officer of the Order of Canada
Canadian Consul-General to New York City
University of Toronto- Chancellor of Victoria College.

If you don't know about this man, perhaps it is time you looked him up. A shining example of friendship between countries. A perfect example of personal courage. A fantastic example of Brains over guns.


Brains 1 
Revolutionaries 0

October 16, 2015

U.S. Election

Why this post ?

It would seem that this man is eminently qualified to speak on the future of these United States of America. It would seem that as guns become more and more prevalent in America the clear voices of reason and intelligence seem to be getting lost in the noise of lobbyists, big business and outright ignorance.

This election, like any other, will see it's share of big money backing supposedly big men (and women) who will move forward this agenda or that agenda. It will see rhetoric and mud slinging and all the usual attack ads and bad ideas.

Like all other elections, this go around will not see any significant change, just more of the same but with a new flavor of the month coating. This is BAD.

A continuation of the way things are will see America slide further and further away from the ideals upon which she was founded. We will slip deeper into debt, global disrespect, more wars, less pride in our accomplishments and worse yet, we will dig more graves.

This go around, tell the lobbyists, big business and those seeking personal glorification to go home. Tell the NRA that we have buried enough children. Tell big business that we have paid enough already. Tell the government that we have fought enough wars.

It's time to tell our children that this time, we the citizens of America will win the election.

October 4, 2015

Specialist Joshua Strickland

In some cases, what a person has already accomplished speaks volumes about that individual. Imagine what that person could have accomplished had they not been struck down.

To all the service men and women who serve, or have served, or will serve, what you are choosing to do with your like speaks volumes about your character.

Guns are simply your keyboard, your business flow charts and your tools of the trade.

When you come home, remember your humanity. Until then, do your job well and with integrity and strength of character. But do come home.

September 12, 2015


When a civilian joins the military there are many reasons for doing so. Personal challenge, family heritage, personal beliefs or honor, a desire to help people in troubled lands are just a few.

When a contractor "joins" the military by receiving military contracts, there is only one reason. Profit.

Quite a contrast.

Profit at any cost. Profit on the backs of someone else's labors and sacrifice. Profit, as much as possible.

This video was BANNED by Congress?...Wonder why?

September 11, 2015


No end in sight....
The madness continues
Organizations currently officially designated as
terrorist by various governments
Abu Nidal Organization
Abu Sayyaf
Aden-Abyan Islamic Army
Ajnad Misr
Akhil Bharat Nepali Ekta Samaj
al-Aqsa Foundation
al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades
al-Gama'a al-Islamiyya
Al Ghurabaa
al-Haramain Foundation
Al-Itihaad al-Islamiya
Al-Nusra Front
al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula
al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb
Takfir wal-Hijra
All Tripura Tiger Force
Ansar al-Sharia (Libya)
Ansar al-Sharia (Tunisia)
Ansar al-Islam
Jamaat Ansar al-Sunna
Ansar Bait al-Maqdis
Ansar Dine
Armed Islamic Group of Algeria
Army of Islam
Osbat al-Ansar
Aum Shinrikyo
Babbar Khalsa International
Balochistan Liberation Army
Boko Haram
Caucasus Emirate
Comite' de Blenfaisance et de Solidarite' avec la Plestine
Communist Party of India (Marxist–Leninist)
Communist Party of the Philippines/
New People's Army
Communist Party of Turkey/Marxist–Leninist
Conspiracy of Fire Nuclei
Continuity Irish Republican Army
Cumann na mBan
Deendar Anjuman
Donetsk People's Republic
East Turkestan Information Center
East Turkestan Islamic Party
East Turkestan Liberation Organization
Egyptian Islamic Jihad
Fianna Éireann
Force 17
Great Eastern Islamic Raiders' Front
Grey Wolves
Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades
Haqqani network
Harkat-ul-Jihad al-Islami
Harkat-al-Jihad al-Islami in Bangladesh
Harakat Sham al-Islam
Hezb-e Islami Gulbuddin
Hezbollah (Turkey)
Hezbollah (Military Wing)
Hezbollah (External Security Organisation)
Hezbollah Al-Hejaz
Hilafet Devleti
Hizb ut-Tahrir
Hizbul Mujahideen
Hofstad Network
Holy Land Foundation
for Relief and Development
Indian Mujahideen
International Sikh Youth Federation
Irish National Liberation Army
Irish People's Liberation Organisation
Islamic Jihad

Jamaat Mujahideen
Islamic Jihad Union
Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan
Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant
Jaish al-Muhajireen wal-Ansar
Jamaat Ul-Furquan
Jamaat-ul-Mujahideen Bangladesh
Jamiat al-Islah al-Idzhtimai
Jamiat ul-Ansar
Jamiat-e Islami
Jemaah Islamiyah
Jamaah Ansharut Tauhid
Jund al-Aqsa
Jund al-Khilafah
Jund al-Sham
Kach and Kahane Chai
Kangleipak Communist Party
Kanglei Yawol Kanna Lup
Kata'ib Hezbollah
Khalistan Commando Force
Khalistan Zindabad Force
Khuddam ul-Islam
Kurdistan Democratic Party/North
Kurdistan Freedom Falcons
Kurdistan Workers' Party
Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam
Libyan Islamic Fighting Group
Loyalist Volunteer Force
Lugansk People's Republic
Manipur People’s Liberation Front
Maoist Communist Centre of India
Marxist–Leninist Communist Party
Moroccan Islamic Combatant Group
Movement for Oneness and Jihad in West Africa
Mujahideen Shura Council in the Environs of Jerusalem
Muslim Brotherhood
National Democratic Front of Bodoland
National Liberation Army
National Liberation Front of Tripura
Orange Volunteers
Palestine al-muslima
Palestine Liberation Front
Palestinian Islamic Jihad
Palestinian Relief Development Fund – Interpal
Party of Free Life of Kurdistan
People's Congress of Ichkeria and Dagestan
People's Liberation Army of Manipur
People's Mujahedin of Iran
People's Revolutionary Party of Kangleipak
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine – General Command
Provisional Irish Republican Army
Quds Force
Real Irish Republican Army
Red Hand Commando
Red Hand Defenders
Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia
Revolutionary Organization 17 November
Revolutionary Party of Kurdistan
Revolutionary People's Liberation Party–Front
Revolutionary Struggle
Saor Éire
The Saved Sect
Tevhid-Selam (Al-Quds Army)
Shining Path[70]
Sipah-e-Sahaba Pakistan
Society of the Revival of Islamic Heritage
Stichting Al Aqsa
Students Islamic Movement of India
Supreme Military Majlis ul-Shura of the United Mujahideen Forces of Caucasus
Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan
Tamil Nadu Liberation Army
Tamil National Retrieval Troops
Ulster Defence Association
Ulster Volunteer Force
United Liberation Front of Assam
United National Liberation Front
United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia
Vanguards of Conquest
World Tamil Movement
World Uygur Youth Congress

September 8, 2015

Well Said

Another quote from somewhere is:

"if you are unwilling to stand behind your troops, you are welcome to stand in front of them."

The image and the quote both say the same thing. It is unfortunate that we are willing to slam the fist of our military into the belly of someone else but are unwilling to take responsibility for having done so. By sending our troops out to be in harms way we are obligated to defend them to the best of our ability with modern weapons, strong political will, and most importantly, support from our citizens.

We hope that when we send our troops out that the reason is just, is not politically of financially motivated, or otherwise the wrong decision. The unfortunate truth is that we often send our troops out for the wrong reason. Then and only then should we rebel against the troop deployment as they also are good citizens who joined up to fight for what is right.

But never should we rebel against the troops.

September 2, 2015

A sad state of affairs

"Once pre-eminent among peacekeeping nations with thousands of “blue berets” deployed around the world, Canada now ranks 53 – between Paraguay and Slovakia – on the United Nations contributors’ list with less than a schoolbus-load of Canadian soldiers serving on UN missions overseas.
Since then 1990s, successive Canadian governments, both Conservative and Liberal, have shunned traditional UN-mandated peacekeeping for U.S.-led war-fighting missions in Kosovo, Afghanistan and Libya. Those campaigns have eclipsed the UN as Ottawa’s favoured military expeditionary effort. From being the top contributor in the early 1990s, the Canadian commitment dropped precipitously from thousands, to hundreds a decade ago to only a few dozen in recent years."

BY: PAUL KORING  = WASHINGTON — The Globe and Mail

It is a really sad day in Canada when an article such as the quote from the one above can be published with truth. Canada, a once proud nation of international peace keeping repute has picked up the gun for aggressive rather than protective purposes. This is Prime Minister Harper's Canadian legacy to the world and to the children of Canada.

Some may be able to justify the Canadian military actions in Afghanistan, Libya and other hot spots around the globe, but without peace keeping actions, Canada has become just another aggressor.

The balance between making peace and keeping peace must be maintained otherwise the imbalance simply leads to more conflict and more loss of life, mostly civilian.

Consider the aggressor:
Fight for personal gain; Fight for power and reputation; Fight for no good purpose.

Consider the Peace Keeper:
Fight to protect; Fight to maintain life: Fight for a future without fighting.

Consider Canada:
International Peace Keeping reputation now shredded by the current self serving Prime Minister contrasted to the strong willed and brave peace keepers such as General and Senator Roméo Dallaire


Now consider this:
ISIS and other terror groups running amok as the international community is to self serving and weak to mount a suitable offensive. Hiding behind international laws which no terrorist will ever abide by.

This blog is about guns for brains but it would seem that those who have brains are afraid to use the guns to defeat those who have guns but no brains.

In light of the atrocities being committed world wide it is easy to see why the Canadian prime Minister would unleash the Canadian Military in aggressor actions. It is unconscionable that the balance between fight and defend is so out of balance. Until such time as the worlds nations decide that oil is not the only reason to go to war, the western forces will be seen as aggressors, not Peace Keepers or peace makers.

July 26, 2015

Nations may choose to hate America. They may choose to say Americans are bad. They may choose to say go away, but they are mostly glad that Americans are who they are. That Americans have guns to defend them in time of need, and do so.

Angels from heaven

Suppose for a minute that there was no America. Suppose for a minute that America was not a nation that all other nations envied or hated. Suppose for a minute that a little girls prayers went unanswered.
You have two minutes to decide if American guns are necessary.

July 10, 2015

Last Post

Service marks 30,000th performance of
The Last Post in Ypres

At the setting of the sun, in Ypres they do not forget.

Every day at 8pm, a group of volunteer firemen sound The Last Post under the Menin Gate.

It is a tradition which has endured since 1928, a year after the gate opened. Only the German occupation during the second world war forced the bugles to fall silent - but even then, the ceremony was continued in Britain at the Brookwood cemetery.

On the very evening that Polish forces liberated Ypres, the bugles once again re-started their salute.
And every night since then, they have continued. In winter and summer, in front of crowds and to the shivering few, they have played.

For those whose relatives names are recorded on the stone plaques of the memorial, whose bodies were never found in the mud and horror of Ypres, it is vitally important it continues forever.
Songs of war lead us into battle and songs of remembrance remind us of those battles. In places such as Arlington Cemetery and at the Canadian war memorial on Vimy Ridge and at the Menin Gate we see the futility of war etched in granite and marble.
To those who follow us we need say remember your history, learn from your history, do not repeat my history. Guns require brains willing not to use them as a tool of destruction.

July 7, 2015

Heaven Needed a Hero like You

We can never say thank you enough to those who choose to
put themselves in harms way to protect us.
We can never say sorry enough to the families of those
who gave their all to perform their duty. 
We can never stop helping those left behind,
for when we do, we fail them all.
I just thought that we should pause for a moment and pay tribute to those who did not return.
( Buffalocricket )

Lyrics by: Jo Dee Messina

May 18, 2015

Election Time Again

At best of times, people generally don't trust politicians, give little ear to them, complain about them (a lot) and mostly ignore them. During the lead up to an election it gets worse. We are bombarded with promises, photo ops (especially with children) and generally treated as children ourselves. The politicians promise to spend more of our money, kiss babies and shake hands with you as if you are a long lost friend.
Sometimes, politicians will even thump their chests, try to look important, cyber bully other politicians and political parties, but none of that compares to this.
In an effort to appear worldly, to portray himself as a man of action, Prime Minister Stephen Harper of Canada did the unthinkable, and probably without thinking (thinking is something he is inept at). Prime Minister Harper and his entourage used soldiers to further his political goals, to try and get re-elected, and exposed 'his" troops to additional danger while doing so.
No half hearted apology, no spin doctor, no one, can ever apologize enough for what he did.
Now, politicians being politicians, ought be forgiven for lying, for buying your vote with your own money, for passing on tainted breath while kissing babies and making absurd promises that you and I both know will be broken on the morning after the election, or will cost millions of your money to implement.
However, Prime Minister Harper in his lead up to the 2015 federal election has proven once again that he does not deserve re-election. His cavalier approach to the military is disgusting.
Now, guns for brains.
At best of times, Prime Minister Stephen Harper of Canada despises the military. His track record speaks for itself. Since Mr. Harper is incompetent (The supreme court regularly rules against him), has a public disdain for the military and its sacrifices, (ruled against ramp ceremonies for the fallen), and is generally a pariah on world affairs, Mr. Harper is just repeatedly shooting blanks.
World leaders are facing perhaps one of the most difficult periods of our history, trying to fight an invisible enemy in the form of terrorists. No army clad in uniform appears before our troops. No national flag leads armies into battle. No general stands atop a hill to oversee the battle. This war on terrorism is shrouded in darkness. It is fought by small units of highly trained individuals. It is clandestine ops and single sniper shots.
There is no boisterous cheer as a terrorist is killed, as another quickly slips in to replace him. There is no time to rest, no time to plan, only time to react and react again. This is the time for quick thinking generals, not slow politicians. This is the time for brave young men to be led by competent leaders, not fools. This is the time for fast action, for repeated unwavering assaults on ghosts in the night. It is not the time to take men from the front line for a photo op.
Leaders the world over need to stand back, step out of the lime light, and let our troops do what we pay them to do, to do what they volunteer to do, to do what they do best. Let them use their guns to hunt down and kill the brains behind this rising tide of disorder, without political interference.
Mr.. Harper does not understand this.
Mr.. Harper has no brains, uses his guns for political photo ops, and does not know how to use the world class military machine he inherited.
Mr. Harper, Time to go. Goodbye.

May 10, 2015

Fathers and sons

In peace time, sons bury their fathers
In war time, fathers bury their sons

The Immortals

January 17, 2015

Disproportionate response

In the past few days terrorists have made headlines murdering innocent people in France. The world reacted by showing a display of solidarity against radicalized individuals by linking arms and marching through the streets. Fantastic response, but also an inadequate response.

It is one thing to throw rhetoric while others throw stones. It is another thing to respond in a disproportionate manner to smother such radicals and their terrorism promoters. Unfortunately, only history will tell if this precious moment of solidarity among the nation’s leaders will amount to anything more than just rhetoric.

Any fireman will tell you that the way to extinguish a fire is to smother it with water or another fire suppressant such as a halon gas cloud. Any military man will tell you that the way to defeat an army is to eliminate its ability through an applied superior and overwhelming counter force.

“An eye for an eye” accomplishes nothing while a disproportionate response suppresses or eliminates the fire.

An “adequate” response to the atrocities in France would be for each marching leader to pledge and deliver million man armies, wave after wave of fighter squadrons and enough will and resolve to smother, extinguish and otherwise obliterate and terminate terrorist forces worldwide.

A measured response would be a waste of manpower and resources. A disproportionate response that brings terror and hellfire to the terrorists armies of the world is the only acceptable response.

This is guns for brains and our global history awaits the outcome.


January 3, 2015

I'm a Cop

Although this blog is about people who use guns for brains, my reposting of the article below is not meant to imply that the police have guns for brains. This particular post is more about how we so easily apply the "guns for brains" mentality to those we entrust with our safety, rightly, or otherwise.
The following article is timely due to the recent shootings by police, of people whom the public deems were "murdered" by the police.
Reposted from article by :
Sunil Dutta August 19, 2014
If you don’t want to get hurt, don’t challenge me. It’s not the police, but the people they stop, who can prevent a detention from turning into a tragedy.

Sunil Dutta, Ph.D., is a 17-year-veteran police officer in Los Angeles. His book, “Blood Lines: the Imperial Roots of Terrorism in South Asia,” will be released in February, 2015. These are his personal opinions.
A teenager is fatally shot by a police officer; the police are accused of being bloodthirsty, trigger-happy murderers; riots erupt. This, we are led to believe, is the way of things in America.
It is also a terrible calumny; cops are not murderers. No officer goes out in the field wishing to shoot anyone, armed or unarmed. And while they’re unlikely to defend it quite as loudly during a time of national angst like this one, people who work in law enforcement know they are legally vested with the authority to detain suspects — an authority that must sometimes be enforced. Regardless of what happened with Mike Brown, in the overwhelming majority of cases it is not the cops, but the people they stop, who can prevent detentions from turning into tragedies.
Working the street, I can’t even count how many times I withstood curses, screaming tantrums, aggressive and menacing encroachments on my safety zone, and outright challenges to my authority. In the vast majority of such encounters, I was able to peacefully resolve the situation without using force. Cops deploy their training and their intuition creatively, and I wielded every trick in my arsenal, including verbal judo, humor, warnings and ostentatious displays of the lethal (and nonlethal) hardware resting in my duty belt.
One time, for instance, my partner and I faced a belligerent man who had doused his car with gallons of gas and was about to create a firebomb at a busy mall filled with holiday shoppers. The potential for serious harm to the bystanders would have justified deadly force. Instead, I distracted him with a hook about his family and loved ones, and he disengaged without hurting anyone. Every day cops show similar restraint and resolve incidents that could easily end up in serious injuries or worse.
Sometimes, though, no amount of persuasion or warnings work on a belligerent person; that’s when cops have to use force, and the results can be tragic. We are still learning what transpired between Officer Darren Wilson and Brown, but in most cases it’s less ambiguous — and officers are rarely at fault. When they use force, they are defending their, or the public’s, safety.
Even though it might sound harsh and impolitic, here is the bottom line: if you don’t want to get shot, tased, pepper-sprayed, struck with a baton or thrown to the ground, just do what I tell you. Don’t argue with me, don’t call me names, don’t tell me that I can’t stop you, don’t say I’m a racist pig, don’t threaten that you’ll sue me and take away my badge. Don’t scream at me that you pay my salary, and don’t even think of aggressively walking towards me. Most field stops are complete in minutes. How difficult is it to cooperate for that long?

Don’t argue with me, don’t call me names, don’t tell me that I can’t stop you, don’t say I’m a racist pig, don’t threaten that you’ll sue me and take away my badge. Don’t scream at me that you pay my salary, and don’t even think of aggressively walking towards me.
I know it is scary for people to be stopped by cops. I also understand the anger and frustration if people believe they have been stopped unjustly or without a reason. I am aware that corrupt and bully cops exist. When it comes to police misconduct, I side with the ACLU: Having worked as an internal affairs investigator, I know that some officers engage in unprofessional and arrogant behavior; sometimes they behave like criminals themselves. I also believe every cop should use a body camera to record interactions with the community at all times. Every police car should have a video recorder. (This will prevent a situation like Mike Brown’s shooting, about which conflicting and self-serving statements allow people to believe what they want.) And you don’t have to submit to an illegal stop or search. You can refuse consent to search your car or home if there’s no warrant (though a pat-down is still allowed if there is cause for suspicion). Always ask the officer whether you are under detention or are free to leave. Unless the officer has a legal basis to stop and search you, he or she must let you go. Finally, cops are legally prohibited from using excessive force: The moment a suspect submits and stops resisting, the officers must cease use of force.
But if you believe (or know) that the cop stopping you is violating your rights or is acting like a bully, I guarantee that the situation will not become easier if you show your anger and resentment. Worse, initiating a physical confrontation is a sure recipe for getting hurt. Police are legally permitted to use deadly force when they assess a serious threat to their or someone else’s life. Save your anger for later, and channel it appropriately. Do what the officer tells you to and it will end safely for both of you. We have a justice system in which you are presumed innocent; if a cop can do his or her job unmolested, that system can run its course. Later, you can ask for a supervisor, lodge a complaint or contact civil rights organizations if you believe your rights were violated. Feel free to sue the police! Just don’t challenge a cop during a stop.
An average person cannot comprehend the risks and has no true understanding of a cop’s job. Hollywood and television stereotypes of the police are cartoons in which fearless super cops singlehandedly defeat dozens of thugs, shooting guns out of their hands. Real life is different. An average cop is always concerned with his or her safety and tries to control every encounter. That is how we are trained. While most citizens are courteous and law abiding, the subset of people we generally interact with everyday are not the genteel types. You don’t know what is in my mind when I stop you. Did I just get a radio call of a shooting moments ago? Am I looking for a murderer or an armed fugitive? For you, this might be a “simple” traffic stop, for me each traffic stop is a potentially dangerous encounter. Show some empathy for an officer’s safety concerns. Don’t make our job more difficult than it already is.
Community members deserve courtesy, respect and professionalism from their officers. Every person stopped by a cop should feel safe instead of feeling that their wellbeing is in jeopardy. Shouldn’t the community members extend the same courtesy to their officers and project that the officer’s safety is not threatened by their actions?