January 17, 2015

Disproportionate response

In the past few days terrorists have made headlines murdering innocent people in France. The world reacted by showing a display of solidarity against radicalized individuals by linking arms and marching through the streets. Fantastic response, but also an inadequate response.

It is one thing to throw rhetoric while others throw stones. It is another thing to respond in a disproportionate manner to smother such radicals and their terrorism promoters. Unfortunately, only history will tell if this precious moment of solidarity among the nation’s leaders will amount to anything more than just rhetoric.

Any fireman will tell you that the way to extinguish a fire is to smother it with water or another fire suppressant such as a halon gas cloud. Any military man will tell you that the way to defeat an army is to eliminate its ability through an applied superior and overwhelming counter force.

“An eye for an eye” accomplishes nothing while a disproportionate response suppresses or eliminates the fire.

An “adequate” response to the atrocities in France would be for each marching leader to pledge and deliver million man armies, wave after wave of fighter squadrons and enough will and resolve to smother, extinguish and otherwise obliterate and terminate terrorist forces worldwide.

A measured response would be a waste of manpower and resources. A disproportionate response that brings terror and hellfire to the terrorists armies of the world is the only acceptable response.

This is guns for brains and our global history awaits the outcome.
