September 2, 2015

A sad state of affairs

"Once pre-eminent among peacekeeping nations with thousands of “blue berets” deployed around the world, Canada now ranks 53 – between Paraguay and Slovakia – on the United Nations contributors’ list with less than a schoolbus-load of Canadian soldiers serving on UN missions overseas.
Since then 1990s, successive Canadian governments, both Conservative and Liberal, have shunned traditional UN-mandated peacekeeping for U.S.-led war-fighting missions in Kosovo, Afghanistan and Libya. Those campaigns have eclipsed the UN as Ottawa’s favoured military expeditionary effort. From being the top contributor in the early 1990s, the Canadian commitment dropped precipitously from thousands, to hundreds a decade ago to only a few dozen in recent years."

BY: PAUL KORING  = WASHINGTON — The Globe and Mail

It is a really sad day in Canada when an article such as the quote from the one above can be published with truth. Canada, a once proud nation of international peace keeping repute has picked up the gun for aggressive rather than protective purposes. This is Prime Minister Harper's Canadian legacy to the world and to the children of Canada.

Some may be able to justify the Canadian military actions in Afghanistan, Libya and other hot spots around the globe, but without peace keeping actions, Canada has become just another aggressor.

The balance between making peace and keeping peace must be maintained otherwise the imbalance simply leads to more conflict and more loss of life, mostly civilian.

Consider the aggressor:
Fight for personal gain; Fight for power and reputation; Fight for no good purpose.

Consider the Peace Keeper:
Fight to protect; Fight to maintain life: Fight for a future without fighting.

Consider Canada:
International Peace Keeping reputation now shredded by the current self serving Prime Minister contrasted to the strong willed and brave peace keepers such as General and Senator Roméo Dallaire


Now consider this:
ISIS and other terror groups running amok as the international community is to self serving and weak to mount a suitable offensive. Hiding behind international laws which no terrorist will ever abide by.

This blog is about guns for brains but it would seem that those who have brains are afraid to use the guns to defeat those who have guns but no brains.

In light of the atrocities being committed world wide it is easy to see why the Canadian prime Minister would unleash the Canadian Military in aggressor actions. It is unconscionable that the balance between fight and defend is so out of balance. Until such time as the worlds nations decide that oil is not the only reason to go to war, the western forces will be seen as aggressors, not Peace Keepers or peace makers.