September 8, 2015

Well Said

Another quote from somewhere is:

"if you are unwilling to stand behind your troops, you are welcome to stand in front of them."

The image and the quote both say the same thing. It is unfortunate that we are willing to slam the fist of our military into the belly of someone else but are unwilling to take responsibility for having done so. By sending our troops out to be in harms way we are obligated to defend them to the best of our ability with modern weapons, strong political will, and most importantly, support from our citizens.

We hope that when we send our troops out that the reason is just, is not politically of financially motivated, or otherwise the wrong decision. The unfortunate truth is that we often send our troops out for the wrong reason. Then and only then should we rebel against the troop deployment as they also are good citizens who joined up to fight for what is right.

But never should we rebel against the troops.